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I am a common man interested in politics.i am here to write my views on politics and our society to create awareness(Please ignore any spelling or grammar related mistakes cos im not an english man but a tamizhan writing in english)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Prabhakaran : The terrorist

Who is a terrorist? There should be only one answer for this question,it should be like a description of the qualities which makes someone a terrorist. But each country is giving different answers depending on different geopolitical reasons.

The only similar thing between myself and prabhakaran is that we speak tamil,apart from that i am no way related to him or the LTTE. The reason for me to write about the srilankan tamils and prabakaran is just because i believe the world has done injustice to them.

To begin with, Prabakaran’s family members were not affected by the srilankan governments attrocities towards the tamils. Prabhakaran started to fight for the liberation of the tamils just because he could not digest the sufferings of the tamils. He didnt take weapons on the very first day. It is true that Prabhakaran admired both Mahatma Gandhi as well as Netaji Subash Chandra Bose.

If someone fighting for the freedom of his people is called a terrorist, then Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru can also be called as terrorists. People argue that Gandhiji & Nehruji didnt take weapons and they took Non Violence to fight the British. We should also remember that the sufferings of tamils under the srilankan government is more intense than the sufferings of the indians under the british rule.We should also remember that the british rule was more dignified than the srilankan...Then we all know that Netaji Subash chandra Bose took weapons to fight the British. So do we call Netaji a terrorist? If India is still ruled by the british, then Netaji will be called a terrorist. History is always written by & always favours the winner.


Prabhakaran chose military means only after observing that non–violent means have been ineffectual and obsolete, especially after the Thileepan incident. Thileepan, a colonel rank officer adopted Gandhian means to protest against the IPKF killings by staging a fast unto death from September 15, 1987, and by abstaining from food or water till 26 September, he died in front of thousands of Tamils who had come there to fast along with him. This further strengthened Prabhakaran's resolve that peaceful protests would either be ignored or crushed but never heard.


During the final stages of war last year,the Indian government gave a lame excuse for not interfering and bringing a cease fire,They said India cannot interfere with srilanka’s internal affairs,they even said interfering will hurt the srilankan sovereignty. The younger generation may not know about the past.It was Indra Gandhi who gave money and training to LTTE to fight against the srilankan government.The LTTE cadres were given training in India. When Indra Gandhi gave funds and training for LTTE,it didnt affect srilanka’s sovereignty, may be it wasnt srilanka’s internal affair at that time.

The only valid reason for India to declare LTTE as a terrorist organization is that they assasinated our prime minister late. Rajiv Gandhi. For the LTTE to kill the Indian prime minister in India is a tough task. They should have thought many times before doing it.
Why did the Militants trained by Indra Gandhi kill her own son?we need to think about this question...It was because of the attrocities carried out by the IPKF(Indian Peace Keeping Force) against the tamils in srilanka. Rajiv Gandhi,as the prime minister of India was responsible for sending IPKF to srilanka.

We need to think about this seriously....

How many people know that Prabhakaran and his aides were held as hostages in a hotel in New Delhi & threatened by the Indian officials to accept the so called peace agreement between India & srilanka signed by Rajiv Gandhi & Jeyawardene.

India & Srilanka had planned to enter into an agreement(Indo-srilanka peace accord).
The most important clause of that agreement was that both srilankan government and LTTE should declare cease fire and the LTTE should handover all the weapons to the IPKF. Prabhakaran was INVITED to india as Rajiv Gandhi wanted to discuss about this agreement with them. Prabhakaran was unaware of India's motive and he along with 2 of his aides came to Tamilnadu and then reached Delhi.

In Delhi Prabhakaran & his aides were taken to a hotel. An Indian official had given a copy of the agreement to them and asked them to sign it. After reading the agreement Prabhakaran refused to sign it as there wont be any security for the srilankan tamils and the LTTE if they surrender the weapons. But Prabhakaran didnt have any other option except to sign the deal or else he wont get out of the hotel.

Lets leave all these arguments, lets accept the stand of the Indian & srilankan governments and also the international community. lets accept the LTTE is a terrorist organisation. lets accept Prabhakaran is a terrorist.but now the question is what do we call rajapakse brothers and fonseka who were responsible for merciless killing of innocent tamil civilians (women, elders and children as well) in the name of war against terror?
Why shouldnt we call them terrorists? What do we call the indian government which gave all kind of support to the srilankan army in killing the tamils...

People around the world are are calling for an enquiry into the war crimes committed by the rajapakse government, whereas india is trying to save rajapakse. Our generation was taught about the holocaust (Israel) so that such a thing should not happen in any part of the world again, but the next generation should be taught about the srilankan genocide...

The srilankan government celebrated the victory over the LTTE (tamils). Now they say that terrorism(LTTE) has been completely destroyed(or won),so whats the next step.
Kidnapping, killing and raping the tamils seems to be the next step for rajapakse...
The tamils remaining in srilanka are homeless and jobless...their homes have been destroyed by the srilankan army. Now the tamil areas have been slowly converted into sinhalese settlements...I dont believe the war is over, i think it will start again because the sufferings of tamils has not ended, the reasons which made the LTTE to fight the srilankan government still remain the same...tamils dont have freedom or equal rights,
They are still treated as slaves, as long as this situation prevails, the war will never end...
Thousand prabhakarans will rise, they wont care whether you call them terrorists, they will keep fighting for their rights....
Srilankan government may claim that they have destroyed the tigers,india(congress)may feel happy for they helped srilanka to fight the tigers but the funny thing is that the national animal of india is TIGER (which cannot be destroyed by the congress)

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