About Me

I am a common man interested in politics.i am here to write my views on politics and our society to create awareness(Please ignore any spelling or grammar related mistakes cos im not an english man but a tamizhan writing in english)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nithyanandha... Naan Kadavul… Aham Bramhasmi

When I wanted to write about this guy I told myself, ”Do I really need to write about him? It is a waste of time,it is not worth writing…”Then I thought I should definitely write because he is not going to be the last, there will be many more nithyanandhas to come…I wont blame Nithyanandha, I will blame the people(the fools) who followed him.

Nithyanandha is just another culprit who is clever enough to exploit the people’s weakness, superstition, ignorance & stupidity. He is free to open an ashram but who asked our foolish people to go to his ashram. He didn’t kidnap anyone, all the people went to his ashram on their own will because they had the freedom to become fools…

I remember a dialogue from the movie vasool raja m.b.b.s. “Kadavul irukkarnu solravana nambalam, kadavul illanu sollravanayum nambalam ana naandhan kadavulnu solravana mattum nambadhe” It means “Believe the one who says god exists, believe the one who says god doesn’t exists, but don’t believe the one who says I am god.

We have seen so many frauds in disguise, in the name of premananda, nithyananda, Xanandha, Yanandha etc…we have seen in the tv news, we have read in the newspapers but still we are always ready to believe the next anandha. All the awareness created by the media is of no use to educate our people.

Almost all the ashrams hit the headlines due to sex scandals, I wonder why the hell females go to these ashrams? Why do husbands send their wifes to these ashrams, is it because they want to get rid of their wives or because they cannot satisfy their wives and so they send to these godmen.

I have heard some people saying Nithyanandha has got some magical power and he cured their disease…Let me ask them,if a doctor cures your disease,will you donate your wealth to the doctor? will you sleep with the doctor? you will pay only the fee, right?

People go to these godmen for different reasons. each one will have a problem and they seek a solution from these godmen. I would suggest if you have a health related problem, go to a doctor. When you have a wealth related problem, go to a bank or a money lender. When you have a personal problem, speak to your relatives or friends or your well wishers. If your problem is too big or too personal or too complicated and you think no one can help you, in that case the last option would be to pray, speak to god.

If you believe in god, I need not say, you should know that you can speak to god, he will listen to you. Then why do you people need a mediator(a broker) in between yourself and god. I can say for sure certain things like pain, disease, misfortune & accidents come across everyone’s life. we don’t have any choice and we have to accept things and we have to undergo the pain. If god can answer all the prayers, there wont be any disease or pain or sorrow in this world. But that’s the magic of creation, All the negative things will exist along with the good things. As we enjoy the good things we have to accept the pain as well. When god himself cannot cure the diseases, remove the pain, save from sorrows then doesn’t it sound foolish to expect the so called godmen to save us.

After writing al these I don’t think I can create enough awareness and make all the people wise. I am sure people are ready, waiting for the next anandha. In a few years another ashram and godman will hit the headlines, again with a sex scandal, we will come to know that lot of people have been cheated and betrayed…We will see the flash news in all the tv channels, followed by absconding, search operations, arrest and finally the culprit getting bail. The same story will go on & on & on…like a never ending mega serial… I just hope some of the people who follow my writing can educate others…

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