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I am a common man interested in politics.i am here to write my views on politics and our society to create awareness(Please ignore any spelling or grammar related mistakes cos im not an english man but a tamizhan writing in english)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Riding two horses

Some of our high profile politicians have the habit of contesting in the election from 2 constituencies. It is because they want to be on the safer side as they believe they can win from at least one constituency. Lets see what are the consequences...

If the person wins from both the constituencies then he/she retains one constituency and resigns from the other. Then a by-election will be held in that constituency. The question is who pays for the by-election? Our government pays for it. Why should the government waste our money in the name of by-election? A person should not be allowed to contest from more than one constituency. When someone is not confident of winning from his own constituency then he/she is not fit to be called a high profile politician.

You guys try to find out how many crore spent for conducting a by-election for one constituency. People belonging to political parties should think about this and also oppose if their leaders contest from two constituencies.

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