About Me

I am a common man interested in politics.i am here to write my views on politics and our society to create awareness(Please ignore any spelling or grammar related mistakes cos im not an english man but a tamizhan writing in english)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Multi-tasking Politicians

The cabinet minister and the leader of Nationalist Congress Party Mr. Sharad Pawar who is 70-year-old, has Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs portfolios. He is also the president of the ICC ( Inter-national Cricket council ). Recently a shuffle in the cabinet ministry was expected and Mr. Sharad Pawar had informed our prime minister that he is not able to manage all the 3 portfolios along with his party leadership and also being the president of ICC. He had asked the prime minister to relieve him from 2 portfolios and requested for the 2 portfolios to be given to his party members.

In the first place if he was not able to manage the workload why should he become the president of ICC, is he a cricket player? He is well identified as a politician and so he should focus on politics more than cricket. There are lot of people to run the ICC. Our politicians have been involved in the BCCI management for a long time, the main reason for politicians to involve in the BCCI management is the BCCI’ s wealth and income. I wish only the former cricketers should be involved in the administration of the cricket board ( BCCI doesn’t belong to our government and its an independent body )

Lets get practical, Can a 70 year old man do justice to these many responsibilities?
Another question is why should a person handle more than one portfolio? Don’t we have enough MPs? There are 543 MPs in our parliament and we less than 40 portfolios
If we allot one MP for each portfolio , we will still have close to 500 MPs without any portfolio. If the number of portfolios are more than the number of MPs then it will make sense giving more than one portfolio to one MP.

My opinion is :

1. One MP should not be given more than one portfolio.

2. Mr.Sharad Pawar should first resign his ICC presidenship.

3. Politicians should not be involved in the administration of cricket board or the cricket
board should be taken over by the government and should be brought under the
ministry of sports.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tamilnadu Police’s Biggest achievement : Seeman Arrested

I remember a joke i heard from a friend of mine. Once there was a competition among police forces from different countries. According to the competition a tiger will be left in the middle of a thick forest and the police team that catches the tiger at the earliest is the winner...The American police enter the forest and catch the tiger in 1 hour. The Russian police catch the tiger in 2 hours( Americans are happy as they were better than Russians) The Scotland yard police catch the tiger in 3 hours ( Russians are happy as they have done better than Scotland yard ) Finally our Tamil Nadu police enter the forest and they dont return for a long time. The other police teams go in search of the Tamil nadu police. After a long search they find the Tamil Nadu police beating a bear which was tied to a tree, they were threatening the bear to admit that it is a tiger...It was just a joke, not to hurt the sincere & hard working men in the Tamil Nadu police depatment but the irony is that sometimes the joke becomes reality. The police department cannot be squarely blamed because they are like puppets in the hands of the government.

We have spoken a lot about the genocide in srilanka, India cannot interfere with the internal war in srilanka as it will hurt srilanka’s sovereignty.All those lame excuses are fine. The srilankan soldiers have been attacking and killing the innocent Tamil Nadu (Indian) fishermen for so many years. The Indian government is least bothered about the lives of Tamil Nadu fishermen, don’t they belong to India? If one north Indian is attacked in Australia then the prime minister himself takes steps immediately to do the needful but when it comes to tamilians the treatment is different. If this kind of an attitude continues the fishermen and other people in tamil nadu may even ask for a separate nation. Does the government of India really wants such a thing to happen. The Central and the state governments are incapable of raising the issue with their srilankan counterparts.
They have killed our fishermen without any reason, that is not violence according to our government. But if Seeman fights for the cause of the poor fishermen that is considered as violence by our government. The whole world knows that there is enmity between India and Pakistan since independence due to kashmir issue. Pakistan, inspite of being our enemy never kills our fishermen it they are caught in the pakistan boundary. But srilanka which is called ( by our central government) as our friend keeps killing our fishermen as and when they like. Is India afraid of srilanka or India doesnt care about the tamils (indian tamils). The congress party and the central government of india are not bothered about the people of tamil nadu but whats happening to our tamil nadu politicians? They don’t care and they don’t fight for the cause of the tamil fishermen. The poor fishermen cast their votes to these selfish and irresponsible politicians...

The first step to be taken is to ignore the congress party which has been anti tamil.
When i write this I am not biased, i don’t belong to any political party as of now. We shall vote for DMK or ADMK or BJP or Communists or DMDK or VCK or any other party except the congress. Why should the tamils vote for the anti tamil congresss party.

Ghajini Syndrome

We ( The people ) are suffering from Ghajini Syndrome, so they forget easily. Whenever there is an issue highlighted by the media, our people react strongly, but after a few days if the media leaves that issue and jumps to the latest sensational news, then our people forget the previous issue and divert their concentration towards the latest news. Our politicians are much familiar with our Ghajini Syndrome so its easy for them to cover up any kind of scam. I will give a few examples below to justify my words.


We all know that Nithyanandha is a fraud. He was exposed by his own adventures shown by TV Channels ( special thanks to Sun TV & Nakheeran for their excellent coverage ).
On seeing those video clippings and reading the news papers people got angry and started attaking nithyanandha’s ashrams in different places. he was said to be in haridwar at the time.After coming to know about the people’s outrage he decided not to come back to his ashram in karnataka. He took some time,he was wandering in the north, may be he knew that our people will forget everything and will cool down soon. It was allright for nithyanandha taking time to reduce the intensity of the issue, but i dont know why the police department took time to arrest him? With all the technology available will it really take that much time for the police to trace out his whereabout?
Coming to the point,Now people have forgotten the issue, Nithyanandha got bail and came back to his ashram, Actress Ranjitha who was also absconding has come back as well.The funniest thing is that she had told the media that she is going to write a book.
India is a democratic country so anyone can write a book, ANYTHING they can write.
We have to belive that the police department was incapable of tracing Ranjitha all these days until she herself came out from hiding. Lot of politicians ( particularly BJP )
of karnataka were close to nithyanandha.Now he is seeking help from tkose politicians and they seem tobe helping him. The same people belonging to a particular political outfit who attacked nithyanandha’s ashram earlier are now supporting him. Some scoundrels even say that the video clippings are not original(it was graphics according to them) They even say that the entire episode is a conspiracy made by some christian organizations to defame hinduism. Some people ( even females are still staying in nithyanandha’s ashram) Should i cry or laugh....Even god cannot save these fools....

2.Ramalinga raju

A botched acquisition attempt involving Maytas (a company owned by his own family) in December 2008 led to a plunge in the share price of Satyam.[4] In January 2009, Raju indicated that Satyam's accounts had been falsified over a number of years.[4] He admitted to an accounting fraud to the tune of 7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion US Dollars and resigned from the Satyam board on January 7, 2009.[5][6] In his letter of resignation, Raju described how an initial cover-up for a poor quarterly performance escalated: "It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten."[7] Raju and his brother, B Rama Raju, were then arrested by the Andhra Pradesh police on charges of criminal breach of trust, criminal conspiracy, cheating, falsification of records and forgery. Raju may face life imprisonment if convicted of misleading investors.[8] Raju had also opened multiple benami (dummy) accounts through relatives and friends and used them to trade in Satyam's shares, violating the insider trading norm.[9] It has now been alleged that these accounts may have been the means of siphoning off the missing funds.[10] Raju has admitted to overstating the company's cash reserves by USD$ 1.5 billion.[11] Later, a person involved in the investigation of the company said that the company's assets were not inflated, but instead siphoned off by Ramalinga Raju.[10] Raju was hospitalized in September 2009 following a minor heart attack and underwent angioplasty.

3.Chetan Desai

We all know that Ketan Desai, President of Medical Council of India, has indeed been arrested for corruption. What most of us don’t really know is the amount of recovery made by authorities so far from him. Hold your breath folks. The amount recovered from him is Rs 1800 crore in cash and 1500 kgs of gold. HOLY CRAP!!!! 1800 CRORES and 1500 KGS OF GOLD!!! You can imagine the scale of corruption perpetrated by Ketan Desai. While all our news channels got besotted with Lalit Modi for allegedly having accepted 80 million dollars ie roughly Rs 350 crores but it pales in comparison to what this guy has made, and still no one feels like talking about it !. Now our people do not know what is the status of the legal proceeding against him.


The former Indian cricket team captain was alleged to be involved in match fixing.
Hansie Cronje who admitted his guilt had said that he was introduced to the indian bookies by Azharuddin. Cronje passed away unfortunately in an accident. South African players like Nicky Boje & Herschelle Gibbs avoided india tour many times fearing police arrest. But our police didnt arrest Azharuddin & he is still living happily in India.
Now people forogt the past and the most shameful thing is that the indian national congress gave him a ticket to contest in the parliamentary election. He also won from moradabad constituency in Uttarpradesh.
Do we really need such people as members of parliament?


The biggest scandal in the Indian history in terms of money involved. some people say it was 60000 crore, some say 1 lakh crore...our people dont even know how many zeroes will make 1 lakh crore. We came to know about this scandal only after the opposition parties raised the issue.The minister involved simply said that he did every thing according to procedure and with the prime minister’s knowledge or approval. what does that mean? Is he trying to say that there wasnt any scandal or the prime minister is also a part of the scandal? The oppositin paties raised the issue few times, but every time the same answer came from the minister. Our honourable chief minister of Tamilnadu said that the opposition is raising the issue just because the minister is a dalit,but does it make any sense? May be the chief minister thinks there are no dalits in the opposition parties.
The central government is tight lipped which raises doubts. Why is the central government not trying to set up an enquiry into this matter? Is it because they need the DMK support or is it because they were also involved in the scam. The minister is not willing to resign, the central government is not willing to remove him from ministership.
We can only feel happy that atleast we are able to know about the scanbdal. Now we are slowly forgetting the spectrum scandal.

6.Douglas Devananda

Douglas Devananda was elected an MP in 1994 and subsequently became a minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development, representing the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) in the Rajapaksa cabinet. Devananda has been charged with murder, attempt to murder and rioting in the 1986 case following the death of a person in gunfire by the separatist Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) at Choolaimedu in Chennai. The minister also faces a couple of cases for kidnapping and criminal intimidation dating back to the years when he spearheaded the militant pro-Tamil movement along with others.
Chennai City Police Commissioner T Rajendran said the New Delhi police have been informed that the Lankan Minister was declared a proclaimed offender and an absconding accused by a court in connection with the cases registered against him between 1986 to 1990. ''We have told New Delhi police about this and we are awaiting a reply from them,'' Mr Rajendran said. We should note that a few months back Prabhakaran’s mother Parvathy Ammal came India from malaysia for getting treatment(medical) but she got a very good treatment at the chennai airport,she was not allowed to enter india and was sent back to malaysia from the chennai airport. She was more than 80 yrs old and is not in good health, may be the Indian government is scared of her,she may be involved in some terror activities????
But isn’t it a shame for the Indian government and the police department to let a man with criminal charges against him enter and leave our country safely...Its not just an issue of visiting India but the worst thing is that he met Sonia gandhi and Manmohan Singh in Delhi... i wonder how the prime minister, the government and the leader of the ruling party can be so shameless...

7.Dawood Ibrahim

He is one of the 10 most wanted criminals in India. He is wanted by the Indian government on multiple criminal charges like murder, kidnaps, drug & arms trafficking and above all the mumbai serial bomb blasts. All of us know that he is living luxuriously in karachi. Indian government for name sake keeps asking the pakistan government to handover him, but the pakistan government keeps saying that he is not in pakistan.
After the mumbai serial blasts,he left India and we remembered him while seeing a couple of ramgopal varma films,then we forgot him.

8.Shashi Tharoor

The most outspoken (ex) minister...he attracted lot of criticism from many people including the opposition parties and his own party members. He wasn’t matured enough to know that a cabinet minister cannot write in twitter any rubbish. Lets leave whatever he wrote, its of no use.. In September 2009, Tharoor and S M Krishna were accused of staying in luxurious 5-star hotels.

Lalit Modi published the shareholders details of Kochi-IPL team's franchise owners, Rendezvous Sports World (RSW) group in his Twitter account and also mentioned that he was asked by an influential Union Minister not to get into details of Sunanda Pushkar, who was given a sweat equity of approximately 4.5 per cent of total equity (estimated worth Rs 70 crore) in Kochi IPL team. In an official statement, Tharoor denied having made any financial gains from the sale or having pressured Modi in any way. He further accused Modi of trying to delay and discredit the new owners so that the franchise can be re-awarded elsewhere. RSW protested Modi's breach of confidentiality agreement. Sunanda Pushkar also issued a statement denying being a proxy for Tharoor. Later amidst demands for his resignation from the Union Cabinet by the opposition parties, Sunanda Pushkar gave up the sweat equity offered to her by RSW. But IT department stated that she will have to pay income tax on her sweat equity in Rendezvous Sports World even after having given it up. Allegations that this was pay back for denying a request to not issue a visa to a South African model close to Lalit Modi have surfaced, and so have death threats to Shashi Tharoor by the Mumbai underworld. Under severe push from Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee combine, the Congress core committee decided to ask for Tharoor's resignation. Atlast Shashi Tharoor resigned from the post of Minister of State in MEA after being instructed to do so by the Indian Prime Minister.

According to the government and the congress party the Shashi Tharoor issue is over. My question is why the government didnt set up an enquiry into this scandal? The government has to responsibility to find out whether he was involved in the scandal or not.If he was involved then he should be punished as per law...But since he resigned the government has taken it for granted assuming that the opposition parties or the people wont raise the issue again...

These are just a few examples...i will write more in the future...The people can forget but how can the government and the judiciary forget?